Say Hello to Spidey

– Gimme some inspiration. I need some inspiration – I said one day to my GF – this new drawing-app in my phone looks cool and I need to draw something.

– OK, let’s see… How about that: Spider, Guitar and Swimming.

– Whoa! That’s gonna be weird 😛

This is how our Spidey was born 🙂


19 thoughts on “Say Hello to Spidey

  1. Fantastic. Such an original idea, thank you for following me otherwise I might not have found you. Sat here with a cuppa, having quite a chuckle to myself, just lovely and to the point captions well done ( and to your GF for starting up the birth of spidey)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Rebecca 🙂 Thank you for visiting and for such a very nice comment 🙂 I’m glad you find Spidey entertaining 😀 I should have mentioned it in some visible place that it’s actually my Girlfriend who invented not only Spidey, but also this blog (she literally forced me to start it 😛 ) and she’s the author of all post’s titles 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog and daring to press the “follow” button! I’m humbled by every single follower and if I’m not mistaken, you made my 100 full, yay!!! I’ll have to blog about that 😉
    Funny thing is – up until my mid-twenties I had a full-grown arachnophobia… so when I checked out your blog my husband told me I had to follow it to ensure I stayed on the path of only being freakishly scared instead of phobic when it comes to spiders. 😀
    I was pleased to see how spidey came to life – exactly as I imagined; this is sooo amazing!! How little new gadgets can bring us back to our roots – keep it up, it’s fun!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well hello! 🙂 Thank YOU for re-visiting and for such a lovely comment 🙂 I also have (still) some mixed feelings about spiders (the real ones) but it was a nice discovery that they can be quite funny to draw 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: For he’s a jolly good fellow… | hellospidey

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